The Macanian Empire
Becoming a Member
Our Purpose
The Constitution
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Join us comrades, and together, we will cripple the other major alliances of the game that think they're so good.

How Can You Join?

Joining is easy. Just view your profile, and under "alliance affiliation", just type in "The Macanian Empire". Then, send a message to Emperor Mac I to confirm that you have done this, so he may add you to the list of countries in our ever growing empire.

Who Can Join?

Anyone interested in bettering themselves at the expense of others may join. Trust me. It's better to join and have power then to be conquered later. Even if you think we'll never pull it off, you'll still have alot more fun trying than you would if you were merely just another peaceful country at the disposal of another alliance.

Benefits of Joining

Wouldn't you rather be a part of the empire to destroy them all then be a pawn of one of those other alliances, where all you do is recruit people for benefits from your superiors? Not here my friends. Here, we will all play major roles in the domination of the world. If you conquer another country, then you may command them as part of your very own kingdom. In this empire, we're all kings.